Friday, June 20, 2008

Any Ammendments?

Do you guys want to change anything for the next round? I'm all for changing no food after 7:30 to 8 - the sun's not down till 9:30 now, and we've been out and about so much that it's hard to have everything settled by 7:30 - and I'm caught rushing dinner down very often.
What do you guys think?


Sandra said...

I agree that changing no eating after 7:30 would be helplful. I have been having dinner at 8 and sometimes 9 the past few weeks with my hectic schedule--there just hasn't been time to eat until then.

By the way, Julie, way to go on buying a house! That's so exciting! We can't wait to see it. Also, I'm sorry about your finger but milk it for all it's worth, how often do you have that type of excuse for not doing something? Totally joking! I know Steve is good at helping anyway.

Julie said...

What do you guys think of cutting that one out all together for the summer?