Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July!


Sandra said...

That posted before I was finished! I hope you all have a great 4th. I'm starting the day by running a 5K at 7:00 so I'm off to bed. Wish me luck!

Julie said...

Someone's going to have some serious cardio points from the 4th! :) I just sat on my bum all day. :)

Sandra said...

it's not serious cardio points. The way I figure it I only get 1 point for half an hour of working out, right? That's not much. I only got 1 point for cardio on the 4th. My biggest problems right now are the sugar (blast that stupid craving!!) and the fruits and veggies, I'm having a hard time getting them in. I know it's summer and it should be easy but we've been busy so I've had a hard time making it to the store for fresh produce and I don't like frozen or canned all that much.