Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I went to the gym

I weighed in today! I went to the gym after work. (I'm proud of myself. I usually find an excuse of some kind.) I love the digital scales at the gym. I don't own a scale. I must go to the gym to find out if I've lost weight. While I'm there to find out my weight I might as well get some exercise.

I'm also excited because I've lost 4 pounds since the last time I weighed in, which was several weeks ago. I had a sinus infection, and the nurse weighed me when I went the doctor to get antibiotics. So, since January I've lost 12 pounds. I'm thrilled. I haven't really changed anything in my lifestyle, until this challenge. So, I'm hoping to see even more improvement since I'm actually trying.


1 comment:

Julie said...

That's awesome, Kara!!! :)