Thursday, March 27, 2008

working out

Just out of curiousity, are we counting our "cardio" as our complete workout from warm up to cool down or just the cardio portion? I got an awesome workout in yesterday and it included about 30 minutes of stretching at the beginning and at the end. (About 15 minutes each) So, does that count toward my cardio or do I just not worry about points for that?

I'm so proud of myself for yesterdays workout! I was extremely exhausted because Joe was up until 4:30 in the morning working on the computer in our room so I got really poor sleep and then had to get up with the kids at 7:20 to get them to school. I went to workout and we ended up doing 2 full hours and we are training for a 5k and I have been sick for 2 weeks with a terrible chest something--I have been coughing and having shortness of breath--anyway, I ran for 5 full minutes without stopping!! (twice!) And then, last night my kids had swimming lessons at the fitness center so I decided to workout during the lesson, I ran/walked for 10 minutes and did the stair stepper for 10 minutes! My legs are sore! Woo-hoo!


Julie said...

Holy cow, you are so going to kick our bums! :)

I think, just count the cardio part for cardio. Maybe count .5 pt for each 5 minutes of stetching - it's something that's so good for you, so it shouldn't be left out. :)

Sandra said...

Okay, that's what I'll do.

I am planning on kicking your bums with the working out because I am not weighing myself right now so I can't get any points for pounds lost. I did a biggest loser challenge over the holidays and I was just losing so dang slow and the numbers totally messed with my head. I can't weigh right now for mental health reasons but I can workout so that's what I'll do!

Kara said...

wow. i'm going to have to work extra hard to keep up with you.

thanks for joining!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Kara. I've never had a problem working out, it's always been my eating that I struggle with. This challenge is going to be great for me to make healthier eating choices. I won't be working out much today, I'm fasting and I have a sick child home from school so I missed my regular workout. I'm going to try to do at least the 30 min. of cardio and 20 min. of toning.

I'm glad I joined, too. I need a challenge me to get me really motivated!
