Monday, March 31, 2008


Thanks for the welcome Julie. I only ask about counting inches because muscle weighs more than fat and I think I might fall into the same category as Sandra as far as scales. And I think my biggest hurdle is going to be my own mind. Hopefully by seeing a psychologist, I can get past this loooonnnggg trial of the ectopic pregnancy experience. I worked in a gym for 6 years and know a lot about losing weight and exercising, so post your questions and I'm sure someone can find the answer:) Also, my recipe blog has mainly healthy recipes. For Jason(hubby)'s birthday, I'm making a low sugar, low fat cake that is delicious.

By the way...Hi Kara! Do you remember me?


Sandra said...

Welcome, Myndie! I'm glad you decided to join us!


Kara said...

yeah myndie!! yes I remember! How are you?? I'm so glad you joined the challenge. It will be great to catch up on everything that's going on with you.