Monday, April 21, 2008

being sick sucks!

Last week was spring break for my kids so I didn't work out all week, I stayed home with them instead. I was so excited to get back into my workout plan starting today but Friday night I was up all night with a major sore throat. Joe was gone on a scout campout so I couldn't sleep anyway so while I was awake I was in agony. I went to the instacare on Saturday and was told that I have a viral infection in my throat. There is nothing they can do about it but I can take zinc 6 times a day to help it go away sooner and if I'm not feeling better in a few days I'm supposed to go back to the doctor. My throat hurts so bad it hurts to talk. It hurts worse than when I've had strep throat. It feels like I'm swallowing broken glass every time I swallow. To top it off when I take the zinc it makes my stomach hurt. Happy days! Needless to say I'm eating a lot of soft, comfort foods. (like rice pudding, yum!) If I'm not feeling better by Wednesday I'm going back in to the doctor, this is just wrong!

p.s. this is just to explain my super low points so you understand why I'm slacking and not just so I can whine although I sure do feel like whining! I hope I can catch back up soon!


Julie said...

Poor Sandra!! Joseph's had that a few times.. now I know how he felt - that sucks!!!

Don't worry about it! You kick our bums without even trying most of the time, I'm sure you'll catch up without effort.. I've been a little behind myself. I just got through my monthly need of chocolate, :) so I'm lagging behind a little, too.

Take care and I hope you feel better soon!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Julie. I feel better today. My throat still hurts but it's not nearly as bad as it was. I even worked out--yay!