Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Own Personal Cheerleader

I just got done working out and had a little audience this time.. oh, how I miss going to Gold's!!! Free child care (that Joseph LOVED) and awesome pilates/yoga classes, not to mention the movie theater cardio room.. Kara, are you still going to the one on Bandera and 1604? If so, I'm SOOOO JEALOUS!!
Back to the subject.. Joseph sat on the couch and watched me workout today (when he wasn't trying to knock me over), the entire time saying stuff like "Mommy, you're really, really strong," and "Great job, Mommy!" and "Mommy, does that hurt?" It was pretty funny. Had to share. :)

By the way - I have an entire library of at home workouts. When I realized that we were moving to Logan with Steve working in Layton and that I would have no car, I started doing research. They all really kick my bum. I'd be more than happy to post some if you're interested. :)

1 comment:

Kara said...

Yes, I love Gold's Gym. But my kids don't love it. I have to go when Doug can watch Tanner. Timmy loves it. Tanner does not. The last time I took Tanner to the childcare, I got a 3 1/2 minute work out.

We were paid up for a year, and that year expires in 2 weeks. I don't know if I'm going to renew or not.

I'd love to see what you have for home workouts. :)