Monday, April 28, 2008

I Was Wondering..

Do you two remember that you met each other - at my wedding? Sandra's Joe's wife (Steve's best man) and Kara was one of my brides maids. I was just thinking about it and realized that you guys actually met and talked at my wedding. :)


Sandra said...

Kara, are you the one that went with me to find stuff to decorate the car? I am so bad with names so I wouldn't have remembered you specifically unless that was you.

Kara said...

that's me! I remember meeting you Sandra, but I don't remember much about you. If that makes sense...


Sandra said...

So, I guess I should introduce myself a bit. I am a SAHM and have been since my youngest was born. I only have boys, they're Steven (almost 15), Jacob(13), Sam(almost 9) and Noah(7). Joe is my sweetheart and the love of my life, we've been married almost 16 years. Last year Joe started his own architectural firm in SLC and I help him with that as much as I'm able--running errands, buying office supplies, etc. I have been teaching aerobics for the past almost 3 years 3 days a week and for the past 2 years 5 days a week. Right now I'm actually having a break from MWF teaching, I was teaching the tae bo portion of that class but right now instead of tae bo we're training for a 5k in July. After the 5k I'm going to start teaching turbo jam on MWF. I come from a large family (both Joe and I do) I have 11 siblings--seven of them sisters. I think I am so lucky that we all live close and are able to get together and hang out and keep each other sane. Although I have vented on here about my kids I think they're awesome, they really are good kids and I am blessed to be their mother. By the way, I am not as old as it sounds by the ages of my kids, I'll turn 35 in July. I get told all the time that people can't believe I'm old enough to have an almost 15 year old and I tell them that I'm not, I was way too young when he was born. Actually, it's nice, he is a lot of fun and I'm young enough that he still thinks I'm cool! :)

I know Julie because of Steve, Joe and Steve have been friends forever and we feel so blessed by Steve and Julies friendship!

Sandra said...

I meant I've been a SAHM since my oldest was born, not my youngest!

Julie said...

How fun! :) I had just remembered it the other day - that you guys HAD actually met, but I wasn't sure the two of you were aware of it. :)