Friday, April 25, 2008

interesting article

I feel like I'm being a blog hog with all my posts lately but I came across this article this morning and I had to share. What do you think?


Julie said...

Wow - that was a really good article! I big eye opener. I think I definitely have a problem with calorie counting - at least when I'm in that zone. Everything starts to get out of focus and I don't feel my best. I don't think getting back on Sparkpeople has been good for me because I've begun obsessing over calories again (and have stopped losing, amazingly..). I was starving all day yesterday and had to end up eating some soup before going to bed. I even dreamt last night that I was working out 3 times a day..
I had a friend who lost like 80 lbs by basically listening to her body's cues and eating right and exercising daily. I thought what she did was amazing and am TRYING to emulate that in trying to get myself back on track. That's why I wanted to start this challenge. To create an incentive to make healthy habits rather than obsessing over limiting everything. The word of wisdom says it perfectly - moderation.

Kara said...

wow!! Maybe I'm not as messed up as I thought...

I've never been an emotional eater -- an emotional cook, maybe -- but not an emotional eater. My main issue with food is that I don't pay a lot of attention to calories or balance. I eat what I crave, and I don't crave veggies often enough.

I also don't exercise as often as I should. At this point in my life, I don't know where to schedule it in. I'm really struggling in that area. My time with my family is precious to me because it is rare. I see my kids a few hours a day, and my husband even less. Going somewhere to exercise is just more time away...

I did well on weight watchers, but there is no way that I could keep up with the counting on my current schedule. I'm just trying to focus on little things that I can do. Like parking further back in the parking lot (my "store champion" parking space at work isn't helping right now... :)

I'm just grateful that I don't have the problems from the article... Wow. Messed up.

Sandra said...

I don't have a ton of time right now but wanted to give my thoughts on the article. I see so much of myself in this article. I have MAJOR issues with food but I haven't always, it's just been since after I had kids and gained weight and wanted to lose the weight. I think I have given myself "eating disorders" in my quest to have the perfect body. It's hard because growing up I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound, I was skinny as heck before I had kids. During and after my first two pregnancies I continued to eat like I did before kids when I could eat whatever I wanted. It wasn't until after my last child was born that I really started thinking about losing weight and taking better care of my health. I started going to the aerobics group that I currently go to at that time and didn't lose any weight. For me it's all about the food. Right now I work out 5 days a week for about 1 1/2-2 hours a work out and I still gain weight if I am not super careful with my diet. When I did WW the first time the weight just melted off really quickly but I've tried several times since then and I can't get the weight to budge. This is so frustrating for me and many times I have felt like "I give up!" If I'm going to be fat even when I work out this much unless I'm hungry all the time then I'll just be fat. Now I know it isn't just about being fat, I want to be healthy and be able to play with my husband and kids so I need to find a good, healthy balance. I think that is what this contest is for me, it's helping me to pay more attention to my body and learn how to eat properly. It's sad that I'm almost 35 years old and I'm just learning how to feed my body properly. It's a struggle because of the busyness of life but I'm determined to make this a new way of life. I have decided that even if it takes me a year or more to lose the 45 pounds that I want to lose then I'll have to be okay with that, I am not going to put my body through "diets" again, I want to learn to live a normal life where food isn't such a focus for me.