Wednesday, April 16, 2008

biggest loser finale

So, we went home teaching last night and I missed most of the biggest loser, I set my DVR but my tv was having problems and I ended up only getting to see the last 20 minutes of the show. Way to go all of the finalists! I cannot believe the change in all three, Roger, Kelly and Ali, since last weeks show. I knew Ali was going to win before she stepped on the scale, I could see that she had lost more than 6 pounds since the last show. Amazing! I wish I could have seen everyone else before and after, but oh well. What did you think, Kara?

1 comment:

Kara said...

It bugs me how long these finale shows are stretched out. If it weren't for the DVR, I would probably never watch the show. I love fast forwarding through commercials. :)

I was really pulling for Kelly, but I'm just glad to see a female winner. I knew that Ali would win as soon as I saw her. She's so skinny! How crazy is it for a girl to lose over 100 pounds in four months?!

I think Kelly's injury was a bit of a reality check. A person can't workout that hard without some serious consequences.

I was thrilled that Bernie won for the eliminated players. He was one of my favorites from the beginning. :)