Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My crazy week

This past week has been crazy busy for me. Tanner turned 2 on Friday. So, there were cupcakes and brownies and ice cream... My baby only turns 2 once. So I had one cupcake on Friday, one brownie and a scoop of ice cream on Saturday.

I still lost 2 pounds last week though! I'm really proud of that!

What do you do for cardio when you work out from home? I've got stuff for toning, but I never know what to do for cardio when I'm trying to get a good workout done at home. Ideas? What works for you?


Julie said...

I usually go walk - Prevention.com has a walking calendar (http://www.prevention.com/cda/article/your-personalized-walking-program/715ccd3f32d76110VgnVCM20000012281eac____/fitness/walking) that you can make that's really helpful. When it snows (a problem you don't have - lucky!), I just do aerobics or something similar at home.

I can't believe that Tanner's 2 already! That went soo fast! Hope he had a happy birthday. :)

Julie said...

ps - congrats on the 2 lbs! That's awesome! :)

Sandra said...

Congrats on the 2 pounds! That's awesome!

I don't work out at home. I have absolutely NO motivation to work out unless I am surrounded by other people and have been extremely blessed to find a group of women that work out at a church 3 days a week. I've been doing it for going on 8 years and have since started a group on the other 2 weekdays in my own ward so I don't have to ever workout at home or alone! Thank Heaven, if I didn't have these groups I would never work out. I applaud all of you that can work out and have the motivation to work out on your own, way to go!