Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Have You Guys Tried Spark People?

It's an awesome site I found after I had Kathrynn.. it's actually connected to a site I used when I was pregnant with her -, that helps you stay healthy while you're pregnant.

Well, Spark People is totally free and just AWESOME! When you start your account you create a goal for yourself. It only allows you to create realistic goals and will actually reject too much weight lost in a certain period of time. It has a place for you to journal what you eat, letting you know how many calories, how much fat, how much protein, etc., you've eaten during the day. It also gives suggestions of things to eat that will help you stay within the prescribed calories per day (for me it's between 1220 and 1550). My favorite part of it is the recipe section - there's a tool where you can enter your own recipes and it gives you a food label, letting you know how much of EVERYTHING there is in it.
There's also a fitness log for you, with suggestions for workouts. It also tells you how much you burn for a given workout. The site provides reports of your progress - always nice to see it on a chart! :)
There are also groups to join on there. It's just a GREAT website. It reminds me a lot of Weight Watchers online, but better... mostly because it's free, but some of the tools (like the food label for your recipes) are a little more complete.
You guys should go register - the website's

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